Institute Air Cargo Clause An insurance policy was annexed to the contract. 协会航空货物保险条款合同上附加了保险条款。
Whether the maintenance period is to be covered? If so, please specify the period of such maintenance: Institute Time Clause 是否投保保证期保险?如是,请列明保证期期限:伦敦保险业公会船舶定期保险条款
There are9 clauses in MIA1906 and other many stipulations in the Institute Insurance Clauses while there is only one clause provided in Art. 英国的海上保证制度规定的比较完善,包含英国《1906年海上保险法》的9条规定和协会保险条款的众多规定。
The Institute Clauses is the standard clause that now the most developed and the most widely used. 英国协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款是目前发展最完善,应用也最广泛的标准条款。